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Monday, September 30, 2019

Moringa powder for skin care - How to prepare Moringa mask for your skin

Hello DearOne, in this article, I'm going to teach you how to prepare Moringa mask for your skin to give you the glowing skin, fight all the skin problems that you may have and also cleanse your skin living it smooth and soft by drawing out the toxins that are in your skin or on your body.

The preparation

Moringa is a highly powerful plant that is very good for health it is very good for the skin and regular use of Moringa is going to help you get a glowing skin, it helps detoxify your body or your skin by drawing out excess toxins.
For this treatment, I got a bowl and then I'm going to add 1 tablespoon of Moringa powder to my bowl.

How to prepare Moringa mask for your skin

You can buy the moringa powder from Amazon by clicking this link: Organic Moringa Oleifera Leaf PowderIf you do not already have.

The next thing is to get plain yogurt and for the plain yogurt, I'm going to be adding one tablespoon of it as well.

How to prepare Moringa mask for your skin

I'll also be using Vitamin E Vitamin E oil is very good when used on the skin. So I will be adding just one capsule. After adding the three ingredients I'll go ahead and mix everything all. So you'll be sure to mix everything all up.

If it is too thick, you can go ahead and add a little bit of water to make it a little bit lighter. When you achieve some level of consistency, then you can go ahead and apply this all over your skin and to apply this you are going to use your fingertips and then apply it all over your skin.

Get more of the facial mask and apply it all over your skin. It is going to give you this soothing feeling immediately after you have applied, thanks to the yoghurt. It tightens and gives the skin a soothing feeling.

How to prepare Moringa mask for your skin

Your skin is going to look real great after applying the mask. Go ahead and leave this to stay on your skin for about 15 to 20 minutes and if you have a lot of time you can also leave this to stay on your skin until it dries off completely.

So you can repeat these treatments three times in a week or four times in a week to achieve great results.

Wash it off.

After waiting for some time you are going to wash it off. Before washing it, scrub the area where you applied it. If the mask is already dry, wet your fingers with water and then just scrub your skin like paste thoroughly in gentle circular motion. This is to help drag out the stubborn toxins that were still left on your skin and also exfoliates the dead skin cells.
After scrubbing it you can go ahead and wash.

Kindly let me know how it works for you in the comment section below.

In this article, you have learnt how to prepare Moringa mask for your skin. In the next article, I wish teach you a wonderful moringa face mask recipe.

Check out my latest moringa books on Amazon below:

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