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Monday, September 19, 2016

How to Lose Weight Using Moringa Leaf Powder


The Moringa tree has been receiving lots of attention in recent times as more people have started realizing how beneficial this tree is for human health. The edible parts of the tree include its nut-like seeds, roots, and leaves, which can be enjoyed as a leaf powder or simply fresh by chewing on them. Below is a description on how you can use Moringa leaf powder to lose weight.

How Moringa Helps You Lose Weight

High Fiber Content in Moringa Leaves

Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet, but the amount you get varies depending on your source of fiber. The insoluble fiber in Moringa helps to prevent constipation, while the soluble fiber reduces cholesterol levels and boosts healthy microbes in your abdomen.

Moringa leaf powder helps in weight loss by bulking up the tummy, which makes it easier for a person to stop eating as you feel satisfied. It also slows down the absorption of food, which is vital for helping to prevent your blood sugar from spiking. It is important to maintain balanced levels of blood sugar if you are to effectively burn lots of fat.

Remember that even the dried Moringa leaf powder still offers the same rich fiber source as compared to eating whole leaves.

Chlorogenic Acid Enhances Weight Loss

A highly effective antioxidant known as chlorogenic acid is found in Moringa leaf powder. This is one of the main antioxidants found in the extract of green coffee beans. Chlorogenic acid supports better weight loss through balancing your blood sugar levels as well as by helping burn fat.

In a certain study where chlorogenic acid was given to laboratory mice, they burned fat at a higher rate and lost more body fat compared to the animals that were not given the antioxidant. Go for the Moringa leaf powder that has not been highly processed to ensure you are getting high amounts of chlorogenic acid. However, you will need to consume this powder over an extended period in order to start seeing positive changes.

Provides Healthy Nutrients without Adding More Calories

When you are trying to lose weight, it is usually very challenging to get the best nutrients that your body requires while reducing the number of calories. Through adding Moringa leaf powder to your daily nutrition, you can help in filling some of those nutritional gaps that occur in weight loss, without adding fat, carbs and lots of calories.

Moringa leaf powder is also a good source of Vitamins A and C, which all help support proper health while you lose weight. Ultimately, for best results in your weight loss program, try using Moringa in combination with a healthy diet and exercise and you will be amazed with the results.
Learn more about Moringa and weight loss...Lose Weight With Moringa: How To Lose Weight Without Dieting.

Testimonials from those who have lost weight using moringa leaf powder

"I'm amazed ! I eat less & don't even think about it! Lost weigh without trying! It has improved every part of my life!" -B. Bob

"...THIS IS NOT A CURE ALL. But it sure has helped me. I lost 20lb, I was no longer vitamin deficient .
I immediately saw results with energy and that alone was good for me. I did have to drink this before I was able to get out of bed. But once I drank it I was pretty good to go. It took awhile to (a year and a half) before I was really doing great. I wasnt running or doing heavy work outs like some claim. But I was able to cook a Holliday dinner BY MYSELF. I hadn't been able to in 3 yrs. I could clean most of my house again by myself. I would quit taking it and would quickly see the difference..." -Amazon customer.

"This Tea is AMAZING! You want to lose weight, then use this every night and wake up 2-3 lbs down per day!" -  Christina Zamniuk


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