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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Can you overdose on Moringa?

Can you overdose on Moringa?

Yes. You can overdose on moringa. Let me ask you, can you overdose on water? Did I hear you say no? Now you see even water when taken too much could become a challenge for you. I remember back in my university days when I started water therapy, I would drink lots of water before brushing my teeth every morning. Some days I would experience some pains in my forehead. This happened particularly on the days I took too many cups of water. That is to say one can overdose on water too. It is known as water intoxication.

The day moringa embarrassed me

One day, my wife and I went out together.
On our way back, I started feeling so funny(actually I felt like going to the toilet) and there were no toilets around! The rest is history. Moringa embarrassed me that day. But you see, I was the one in the wrong. Hours before this embarrassing moment, I ate too many moringa seeds. So I overdosed on moringa seeds and they dealt with me, period. 
Learn from my experience so you save yourself same kind of embarrassment. Alright, so what is the ideal moringa dosage?

Ideal Moringa dosage

Exactly how much moringa is ideal per time?
Now we have different moringa products such as
Moringa oil
Moringa tea
Moringa leaf powder
Moringa seeds, etc.
So we shall be considering them one after the other.

Dosage for moringa oil

We recommend that you give a teaspoon or about 5ml of moringa oil per time and maximum of three teaspoons( 15mls) per day for children. Adults can take a full table spoon(15mls) per time and up to three table spoonfulls(45mls) per day.

Dosage for moringa tea

Moringa tea comes in tea bags. So it makes it easier to take a tea bag or two per time as you may choose. Now in the strictest sense, you may take more that just one or two moringa tea bags per time. This depends on you.

Dosage for Moringa leaf powder

Moringa leaf powder is usually administered with teaspoon/table spoon too. So for children, give them one teaspoon of the moringa powder per time. That is equivalent to about 5g of the leaf powder per time and that quantity could be administered thrice a day. That amounts to a total of 15grams of moringa leaf powder to be consumed by children per day.

For adults, you may take a tablespoon per time. That is equivilant to approximately 15 grams per time. Do this thrice a day. Moringa leaf powder is best eaten in soups, stews, etc. It does not easily dissolve in water, so take note.

Dosage for Moringa seeds

I have always stressed that you should take only two (2) moringa seeds at a time and not more. Then per day, it is recommended you take a maximum of four (4) moringa seeds except in some special cases. Kindly read the article on how to eat moringa seeds for best results to learn more.

Check the products labels for specific dosing information

There are many products which are made by mixing moringa with other natural ingredients. It is adivisable to always check the product labels to see specific instructions for each moringa product you purchase. There are many moringa products in the market right now. A search on Amazon website will give you so many moringa products to choose from.
See a short list below:

1. Moringa Oil

Moringa oil comes from the moringa seeds of the Moringa Oleifera tree; Moringa Oleifera seeds harvested from their pods yield approximately 35 - 40% oil, known as Ben oil (from the high concentration of behenic acid contained in the oil).

2. Moringa Seeds

Moringa seeds give good results like weight loss(for those trying to shed extra pounds); diabetes(for those suffering from high blood sugar level), chronic pains as in arthritis, energy boost, good sleep(for those suffering from insomnia). Insomnia is a medical term for those having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, etc.

3. Moringa Tea

The tea made from the moringa oleifera leaves can be a good energy drink. It is filled with vitamins and antioxidants which makes the beverage a very refreshing one. It is quite easy to make moringa tea at home. 

PLANT-POWERED, NATURAL ENERGY BOOST: Kuli Kuli's Moringa Green Energy Shots spur a natural energy boost from green tea and half a cup of leafy greens. Moringa Green Energy Shots contain caffeine equal to a cup of coffee.
You can now enjoy wondefully made moringa energy bars which give you instant energy you know...
Moringa capsules are more convenient to swallow than the moringa leaf powder. But always check to be sure you are buying from the right source.
Now you can drink a moringa juice. This company have done a wonderful work by producing this moringa juice which is available at Amazon.
Do not be surprised to learn about moringa liquid extract. It is not common, yes. But you can check it out to see how it looks and tastes. Click this link to check it out.
Moringa tablets are common just like the capsules. But if you did not know about them, you may check out this Grenera Moringa tablets

10. Moringa Leaf Powder

Moringa leaf powder is one of the most popular moringa products out there. Care has to be taken how it is processed. The leaves can lose their potency if wrongly processed. 

Else, the greatest percentage of the over 90 verifiable nutrients which moringa oleifera boasts of are found in the leaves.
Learn more and buy Moringa Leaf Powder at Amazon

In conclusion, it is always to take even water in moderation to avoid water intoxication. Therefore take moringa too in moderation so you don't end up running into problems taking a good product. Follow instructions on product labels for dosing appropriately.
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